What is luck?
Many minds arises the question ' What is luck ' but most of them can not find the answer .
So here we are , with the answer of this most tipical question .
Sometimes luck is the best thing that can happen to us and sometimes the worst . These situations are termed as lucky and unlucky respectively . Normally Science termed luck as ' Randomness ' .
Basically , luck is getting succeed or failed in your mission by some random chances .
Luck is something that you can not predict but you can change it by some possibilities .
How can you be more lucky ?
We can change our luck towards positive things by keeping and applying our knowledge towards reality and by controlling your actions and by your confidence towards your actions ..
Who people believe in lucky chances and think they will be lucky. Good things getting started with them and whom are doubted about their luck and have negative thoughts in their minds. Negative things happen with them..
" That's why it is called to be positive and positive things will happen to you ."
If you want to improve yourself, you have to improve yourself and your self awareness.
" Luck is generally used as a matter of chance. For example; a person wins in a lottery he is considered to be lucky, if the captain of the Cricket team wins the toss he may be considered lucky. Losing toss is never considered lucky but sometimes it proves otherwise ".
So that's it for today guys, hope so you all like this post if yes then stay tuned for more amazing posts coming on this blog .
Thank you
( The Enigma )