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I don't want to write in notebook

I don't want to write in notebook  

Hello Gusy what's up welcome to our new post in this post i will tell you about my very bad hobby. 

Is I don't want to write in notebook 

But one day my father says me to write 5 pages of English and Hindi . This process is going and going for 2 months then i  boured with writing but one day i knew about the benefits of writing and this day is today 2/2/21 and from tomorrow i will do 10 pages  writing and i will read books for 25 mins other books ( Books not from my course) This makes me extra-ordinary from my competitors.  

So you can also do this 

Let's know about the benefits of reading and writing. 

1] Reading improves our pronunciation and vocabulary. 

2] Writing improves our hand writing. 

3] Reading biography or auto-biography tells about the mistakes so we can easily learns from their mistakes. 

These are the little bit benefits of writing and reading. 

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Thank you and Stay Tuned 

The Adarsh Mishra 

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